Artist Spotlight on

Berlin, Germany

Highly energetic and explosively raw, AfroDiziac’s provocative style hypnotizes with a kaleidoscope of sound and colour delivering an unplaceable familiarity making new waves in the world of Rock and Roll.

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Artist Biography

Upon receiving his first guitar at thirteen, AfroDiziac began a musically led lifestyle. Engulfed by youthful aspirations, he thrived within his home stomping grounds of NYC, leading his first band by fifteen. Honed, skilled, and seeking new perspectives, AfroDiziac arrived in London determined to further develop what he calls a sonic fingerprint. Drawn to the explosive, high-energy rawness hailing from the schools of RocknRoll to the churches of rhythm and blues, a penchant for provocative grooves and heavy guitars emerged a darker more intuitive sound; a voice that would later become “AfroDiziac”.

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